


  • 1979年9月至1983年6月,湘潭大学数学系本科,获理学学士学位

  • 1983年9月至1986年8月,湘潭大学数学系计算数学专业,硕士研究生,获硕士学位

  • 1986年9月至1989年6月,中国科学院系统科学研究所,博士研究生,获博士学位


  • 1989.7-1990.11,中国科学院武汉数学物理研究所,助理研究员

  • 1990.12- 1993.11,中国科学院武汉数学物理研究所,副研究员

  • 1993.12-1996.9,中国科学院武汉数学物理研究所,研究员

  • 1996.10-1997.10,中科院武汉物理与数学研究所,研究员

  • 1997.11-1998.12,中国科学院应用数学研究所,研究员、博士生导师,微分方程室主任

  • 1999.1-2007.3,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,研究员, 应用数学研究所副所长

  • 2007.4-2012.5,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,研究员, 偏微分方程及其应用中心主任

  • 2012.6-2017.6,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,研究员, 应用数学研究所所长

  • 2017.8-,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,研究员


  • 1991.09-1992.08 法国巴黎第九大学决策数学研究中心作访问学者 

  • 1994.06-1994.09 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学作访问学者 

  • 1995.06-1995.08 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学作访问学者 

  • 1995.09-1995.11 澳大利亚昆士兰大学作访问学者 

  • 1996.04-1997.06 受洪堡基金资助在德国科隆大学和美茵滋大学作洪堡学者 

  • 1999.03-1999.06 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学访问 

  • 2000.06-2000.08 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学访问 

  • 2001.09-2001.11 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学访问 

  • 2003.04-2003.06 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学访问 

  • 2004.05     瑞士洛桑高工访问

  • 2005.11-12   澳大利亚昆士兰大学访问

  • 2007.5     在美国Rutgers大学访问

  • 2009.10-11    在澳大利亚新英格兰大学访问

  • 2010.2-3    在美国Rutgers大学访问

  • 2011.8      受芬兰科学院资助在芬兰Jyvaskyla大学访问

  • 2012.10     在德国吉森(Gissen)大学访问

  • 2013.4     在美国爱荷华州立大学访问

  • 2014.4-5    在澳大利亚新英格兰大学访问

  • 2016.2      在美国爱荷华州立大学访问

  • 2017.8     在美国华盛顿大学访问


1. 1992年10月获国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴,

2. 1996年获武汉市市管中青年优秀专家

3. 1999年中国科学院青年科学家奖一等奖(个人)

4. 2000年中国科学院杰出青年(个人)

5. 2004年中国科学院优秀研究生导师奖




1. 主持国家自然科学基金项目“非线性椭圆型方程的多峰解”,1998年— 2001年,批准号 19871091。项目来源:国家自然科学基金

2. 参加973 项目“核心数学的若干前沿问题”子项目《非线性偏微分方程》,1999年— 2004年,G1990751。 项目来源:国家科技部

3. 国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目非线性偏微分方程(批准号10425104)2005.1-2008.12。项目来源:国家自然科学基金

4.参加973 项目“数学与其它领域交叉的若干专题”子课题《流体力学与材料科学中的偏微分方程》的骨干成员,2006年-2010年。项目来源:国家科技部

5.主持中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向性项目《数学物理中的若干重大问题》,2007.1-2010.12. 项目来源:中国科学院,

6. 国家自然科学基金重点项目《非线性椭圆与抛物型方程的理论及其应用研究》(批准号10631030 成员, 2007.1-2010.12, 项目来源:国家自然科学基金

7. 主持国家自然科学基金项目“非线性椭圆型方程的多峰解”,2013年— 2016年, 项目来源:国家自然科学基金

8.国家自然科学基金重点项目《现代变分理论的若干问题研究》(批准号11331010 成员, 2015.1-2018.12, 项目来源:国家自然科学基金

9. 国家自然科学基金重点项目《非光滑变分理论及其在椭圆型偏微分方程中的应用》(批准号11831009 成员, 2019.1-2023.12, 项目来源:国家自然科学基金


[1] On the existence and nodal character of solutions of semilinear elliptic equations, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 8(1988),345-395.(with Zhu Xiping)

[2] The concentration-compactness principle in nonlinear elliptic equations, Acta Mathematica Scientia,9(1989),307-323.(with Zhu Xiping)

[3] Bifurcation for quasilinear equations on $R^N$ with natural growth conditions, Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 113A(1989), 215-228.(with  G.Li and S.Yan)

[4] Positive solutions and bifurcation from the essential spectrum of a semilinear elliptic equation on $R^N$, Nonlinear Analysis, TMA, 15(1990), 1045-1052.

[5] Bifurcation for quasilinear elliptic system on $R^N$ with natural growth conditions, J. London Math. Soc., 44(1991), 514-524.

[6] Nontrivial solutions of semilinear elliptic equations with critical exponent in $R^2$, Comm. Part. Diff. Equat., 17(1992), 407-435.

[7] Multiple solutions of a Neumann problem in an exterior domain, Comm. Part. Diff. Equat., 18(1993), 687-700.

[8] Multiple solutions of a semilinear elliptic equation on $R^N$, Ann. Inst. H. Poincare, Anal. Non lineaire, 10(1993), 593-604.

[9] Multiple solutions of inhomogeneous elliptic equations involving critical Sobolev exponent, Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 124A(1994),  1177-1191.(with G.Li and H.Zhou)

[10] Multiple positive and nodal solutions for semilinear elliptic equations involving critical Sobolev exponents, Indiana Univ.Math. J., 44(1995), 1249-1271.(with E.S.Noussair)

[11] On the existence of multiple solutions of nonhomogeneous equations involving critical Sobolev exponent, Z. Angew. Math. Phys, 47(1996), 89-96.(with H.Zhou)

[12] Multiplicity of positive and nodal solutions for nonlinear elliptic problems, Ann. Inst.H. Poincare, Anal. Nonlineaire, 13(1996), 557-588.(with E.S.Noussair)

[13] On the existence and profile of multi-peaked solutions to singularly perturbed semilinear Dirichlet problems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System, 2(1996), 221-236.(with E.N.Dancer, E.S.Noussair and S.Yan)

[14] Existence and uniqueness results on single-peaked solutions of a semilinear problem, Ann. Inst. H.Poincare, Anal. Non lineaire, 15(1998), 73-111.(with E.S.Noussair and S.Yan)

[15] On the existence of multi-peaked solutions to a semilinear Neumann problem, Duke Math. J.,97(1999), 261-300.(with T.Kupper)

[16] Solutions with multiple "peaks" for nonlinear elliptic equations, Proc.Royal Soc.Edinburgh,126A(1999), 235-264.(with E.S.Noussair and S.Yan)

[17] Multi-peak solutions for a singularly perturbed semilinear elliptic problem, J.Diff. Equat.,166(2000), 266-289.(with E.S.Noussair)

[18] Existence of symmetric multi- peaked solutions to singularly  perturbed semilinear problems, Comm. Part.Diff. Equat., 25(2000), 2185-2232.(with E.S.Noussair)

[19] Existence and nonexistence of interior-peaked solution for a nonlinear Neumann problem, Pacific J.Math.,200(2001), 19-40.(with E.S.Noussair and S.Yan)

[20] A Neumann problem in exterior domain, Manuscripta Mathematica, 106(2001), 63-74.(with M. Lucia and H.S. Zhou)

[21] On the scalar curvature equation $- u=(1+εK)u^{\frac{N+2}{N-2}}$ in $R^N$ , Calc. Var. and PDE, 15(2002), 403-419.(with E.S.Noussair and S.Yan)

[22] Uniqueness of positive multi-lump bound states of nonlinear Schrodinger equations, Math. Zeit., 243(2003), 599-642.(with H.P. Heinz)

[23] A compactness result for singular elliptic problems involving critical Sobolev exponent, Proc. Amer.Math. Soc.,131(2003), 1857-1866.(with S.Peng)

[24] Solutions for semilinear elliptic equations with critical exponents and Hardy potential, J. Diff. Equat., 205(2004), 521-537.(with P.Han)

[25] Multi-bump standing waves with a critical frequency for nonlinear Schrodinger equations, J. Diff. Equat., 203(2004), 292-312.(with E.S.Noussair)

[26] High energy positive solutions for Neumann problem for an elliptic system of equations with critical nonlinearity, Calc. Var. and PDE, 25(2005), 161-185. (with P. Han)

[27] Asymptotic behavior for elliptic problems with singular coefficient and nearly critical Sobolev growth, Annali di Mat. Pura ed Appl., 185 (2006), 189-205. (with S.Peng)

[28] Multi-bump bound states of Schrodinger equations with a critical frequency, Math. Ann., 336(2006), 925-948.( with S.Peng)

[29] Effective macroscopic dynamics of stochastic partial differential equations in perforated domains, SIAM J.Math.Anal., 38 (2007), 1508 -1527. (with J. Duan and W.Wang)

[30] Multiscale-bump standing waves with a critical frequency for nonlinear Schrodinger equations, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.,360 (2008), 3813-3837.(with E.S.Noussair and S.Yan)

[31] Semi-classical bound states for Schrodinger equations with potentials vanishing or unbounded at infinity, Comm. Part. Diff. Equat., 34 (2009), 1566--1591.(with S.Peng)

[32] Multiplicity of solutions for the plasma problem in two dimensions, Adv. Math., 225 (2010), 2741-2785.( with S.Peng and S.Yan)

[33] Local exact controllability of the Navier-Stokes equations with the condition on the pressure on parts of the boundary, SIAM J. Control Optim., 48(2010), 3805-3837.(with T.Kim)

[34] Divergent solutions to the 5D Hartree equations, Colloq. Math., 125 (2011), 255-287.(with Q.Guo)

[35] Infinitely many solutions for p-Laplacian equation involving critical Sobolev growth, J. Funct. Anal., 262 (2012), 2861-2902.(with S.Peng and S.Yan)

[36] Continuous dependence of Cauchy problem for nonlinear Schrodinger equation in $H^s$, J. Diff. Equat., 255 (2013),2018-2064.(with W.Dai and W.Yang)

[37] Regularization of point vortices pairs for the Euler equation in dimension two, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 212 (2014), no. 1, 179–217. (with Liu Zhongyuan and Wei Juncheng)

[38] Uniqueness of positive bound states with multi-bump for nonlinear Schr?dinger equations, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, 54 (2015), no. 4, 4037–4063. (with  Li Shuanglong and Luo Peng)

[39] Planar vortex patch problem in incompressible steady flow, Adv. Math., 270 (2015), 263–301. (with  Peng Shuangjie and Yan Shusen)

[40] Nodal solutions for a supercritical semilinear problem with variable exponent, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, 57 (2018), art38, pp19. (with Li Shuanglong and Liu Zhongyuan)

[41] Sign-changing bubble tower solutions for the supercritical Hénon-type equations, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 197 (2018), no. 4, 1227–1246.(with Liu Zhongyuan and Peng Shuangjie

[42] Steady vortex patches with opposite rotation directions in a planar ideal fluidCalculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations,58(2019),art.75. pp17.(with Wang Guodong)

[43] Steady vortex patch solutions to the vortex-wave system,Nonlinearity,32(2019),1182-1904(with Wang Guodong)

[44] Nonlinear orbital stability for planar vortex patches, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 147(2019), 775–784.(with Wan Jie and Wang Guodong)

[45] Local uniqueness for vortex patch problem in incompressible planar steady flow, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées,131(2019),251-289.(with Guo Yuxia, Peng Shuangjie and Yan Shusen)

[46] Classification of nonnegative solutions to a bi-harmonic equation with Hartree type nonlinearity, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 149(2019),979-994.(with Wei Dai)






