YAN Jia-An
Date of Birth: Dec. 6, 1941
Place of Birth: Jiangsu Province
Present Position: Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Professor of Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
E-mail Address:
Academic Experences:
Undergraduate student, Chinese University of Science and Technology, Beijing(1959-1964)
Assistant Professor, Institute of Mathematics , Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)(1964-1979)
Associate, Professor, Institute of Applied Mathematics , CAS(1980-1986)
Professor, Institute of Applied Mathematics , CAS(1986-1998)
Professor, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS(since 1998)
Member of CAS(since 1999)
Fellow,Institute of American Mathematical Statistics(since 2010)
Working Experiences:
1973.3-1975.7: Visiting scholar at University of Strasbourg, France
1981.1-1982.11: Humboldt fellow at Heidelberg University, Germany
1986.1-1986.5: Visiting University of Strasbourg, France
1992.1-1992.3: Visiting University of California at Irvine, USA
1996.1-1996.3: Visiting University of Besancon, France
1997.3-1997.5: Visiting Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
1998.5-1998.9; 1999.3-1999.8; 2000.8-2000.9; 2002.3-2002.4: Visiting City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2000.1; 2000.9: Visiting National University of Singapore, Singapore
2001.7-8: Visiting Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
2003.2-3,8-9; 2005.3-4; 2006.12-2007.1: Visiting Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2005.6.15-8.15: Visiting Concordia University, Canada
2006.9.1-10.28; 2007.10.1-10.25: Visiting Waterloo University, Canada
2007.8.1-9.30: Visiting Illinois Institute of Technology, Iowa University, Columbia University, U.S.
2008.8.1-24: Visiting Bielefeld University, Germany
2008.8.25-31: Visiting University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
2009.3.1-30: Visiting Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
2009.5.16-30: Visiting Bielefeld University, Germany
2009.11.9-12.8: Visiting National University of Singapore, Singapore
2010.7.1-7.30: Visiting Oxford University, UK
2011.4.23-5.23: Visiting Bielefeld University, Germany
2011.12.19-2012.1.9: Visiting Columbia University, U.S.
2012.7.25-8.21: Visiting Delawel University, US, and Concordia University, Canada
2012.9.23-9.29: Visiting ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2013.6.9-7.6: Visiting Brigham Young University, and Columbia University, U.S.
2015.3.9.-3.31: Visiting Princeton University, U.S.
2016.1.27-2.14: Visiting Princeton University, U.S.
Professional Activities:
Chair of the Council of the Chines Society of Probability and Statistics(1994-1998)
Member of the Committee for International Conferences of Stochastic Processes and their Applications(1992-1999)
Member of the Council of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability(1997-2001)
Managing Editor of Acta Mathematica Applicatae Sinica(2002-2017)
Associate Editor of Annals of Probability(2000-2002)
Associate Editor of Stochastic Analysis and Applications(since 2002)
Associate Editor of Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics(2003-2008)
Associate Editor of Insurance: Mathematics and Economics(since2008)
Chair of IMS-China(2008.7-2010.7)
Honors and Awards:
1987 : Second-class prize for progress in sci. & tech., the Chinese Academy of Sciences
1992 : First-class prize for natural sciences, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
1993 : Second-class China state prize for natural sciences
2006 : He-Liang-He-Li Foundation Prize for progress in sci. & tech.
2007 : Hua Luo-geng Mathematical Prize
2008 : Distinguished Chinese Visiting Scholar of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2010 : IMS-Fellow
Invited Lectures at International Conferences:
Some results about test and generalized functionals of white noise,
International Conference on Probability Theory (Singapore, 1989).
Constructing kernels via stochastic measures,
International Conference on Gaussian random fields (Nagoya, 1990).
From Feynman-Kac formula to Feynman integrals via analytic continuation,
21st Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications (Amsterdan, 1993).
Characterizations for generalized operators on distribution spaces,
International Conference on Stochastic Calculus and Stochastic Differential Geometry (Hangzhou, China, 1995).
A complex scaling approach to sequential Feynman integrals,
24th International Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications (Vina Del Mar, Chile, June 16-20, 1997).
A short presentation of martingale methods in option pricing,
First Pacific Rim Conference on Mathematics (Hong Kong, Jan. 19-23, 1998).
A new look at the fundamental theorem of asset pricing,
International Conference on Probability Theory and its Applications (Taejon, Korea, Feb. 24-26, 1998).
An overview on the martingale approach to option pricing,
IMS Workshop on Applied Probability, (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, May 31-June 12, 1999).
Some remarks on arbitrage pricing theory,
International Conference on Mathematical Finance, (Shanghai, China, May 10-13, 2001).
Clarifying some basic concepts and results in arbitrage pricing theory,
Quantitative methods in finance 2001 conference, (Sydney Australia, December 12-15, 2001).
A Numeraire-free and Original Probability Based Framework for Financial Markets,
International Conference on Applied Probability, (Singapore, August 16-18, 2002).
A Numeraire-free and Original Probability Based Framework for Financial Markets,
ICM 2002, (Beijing, August 20-28, 2002).
Continuous-Time Mean-Risk Portfolio Selection,
International Conference on Stochastic Processes, (in Memory of P.A. Meyer, Feb. 2-8, 2004).
Markowitzs portfolio optimization in an incomplete market,
1st Workshop on Mathematical Finance and Insurance, (Huangshan, China, May, 2004).
Continuous-Time MeanCRisk Portfolio Selection,
The Third International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (ICCM 2004), (Hong Kong, December 17-22, 2004).
An Intrinsic Characterization of No-arbitrage for Finite Discrete-Time Markets,
Workshop on Mathematical Finance and Stochastic Analysis, (Imperial College, London, UK, August 22-24,2005).
A Functional Approach to Interest Rate Modeling,
Symposium on Stochastic Analysis and Application to Mathematical Finance, (Ritsumeikan University, Japan, March 6-10, 2006).
The representations of two types of functionals on L∞(?,F) and L∞(?,F,P),
2nd Workshop on Mathematical Finance and Insurance, (Lijiang, China, May 30-June 6, 2006).
The representations of two types of functionals on L∞(?,F) and L∞(?,F,P),
International Conference on Probability and Statistics, (Hangzhou, China, June 19 to 21, 2006).
A Functional Approach to Interest Rate Modeling,
The 2006 international symposium on Financial Engineering and Risk Management, (Xiamen, China, July 5 to 7).
An Overview of Representation Theorems for Static Risk Measures,
International Conference on Mathematics in Finance, (Kruger National Park, South Africa, September 1-6, 2008).
A new look at the Lagrange method for continuous-time stochastic optimization,
Sino-Germany Conference on Stochastic Analysis and Related Fields, (AMSS, Beijing, May 3-7, 2010).
Optimal Insurance Design under Rank Dependent Utility,
Perspectives in Analysis and ProbabilityConference in Honor of Freddy Delbaen at ETH Zurich (September 24-28, 2012).
A Note on the Monge-Kantorovich Problem in the Plane,
Workshop on New Developments in Stochastic Analysis,Probability and PDE interactions, (AMSS, Beijing, July 8-13 , 2013).
A Note on the Monge-Kantorovich Problem in the Plane,
The First Workshop on SDEs and SPDEs, (Hefei, China, July 29th -August 1st, 2013).
Ph-D. Students Supervised:
1985-1988 Fan Ru-Zhong, Zhang Tu-Sheng
1989-1992 Wu Jiang-Lun
1991-1994 Wang Yong-Xiang
1992-1995 Gong Fu-Zhou, Zhang Shu-Guang
1993-1996 Dong Zhao, Wang Gui-Lan
1994-1997 Cao Zhi-Gang, Xu Shi-Meng
1996-1999 Zhang Li-Hong
1997-2000 Li Ping
2000-2005 Yang Haicheng, Zhou Qing
2001-2006 Zhong Yucong
2002-2007 Liu Xinghua, Wang Zengwu
2003-2008 Huang Haitao, Qu Chang, Song Yongsheng
2004-2009 Yu Baimin
2006-2009 Cheng Xue
2006-2011 Yao Peipei
2008-2013 Deng Yulai, Shang Ke
2009-2014 Ding Peizhen, Ge Yang, Sha Tao, Yue Peng
Master Students Supervised:
2005-2008 Deng Xinyu
2006-2008 He Tao
2007-2010 Wang Kaiwei
2008-2011 You chengchao
Research area
Stochastic analysis
Mathematical finance
Introduction to martingales and stochastic integrals
Shanghai Science and Tech- nology Publishing House, Shanghai, 1981.(in Chinese)
Measure and Integration
Sanxi Normal Univ. Publ. House, 1988. (in Chinese)
(with He, S.W., Wang, J.G.) Semimartingale theory and stochastic calculus
Science Press, Beijing; CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1992.
(with He, S.W., Wang, J.G.) Semimartingale theory and stochastic calculus
Science Press, Beijing, 1995.(in Chinese)
(with Huang, Z.Y.) Introduction to Innite Dimensional Stochastic Analysis
Sci- ence Press, Beijing, 1997.(in Chinese)
(with Peng, S.G., Fang, S.Z., Wu, L.M.) Select Topics in Stochastic Analysis
Science Press, Beijing, 1997.(in Chinese)
Introduction to Martingale Methods in Option Pricing
LN in Math 4, Liu Bie Ju Centre for Mathematical Sciences, City Univ. of Hong Kong, 1998.
Lectures on Measure Theory
Science Press, Beijing, 1998; 2d edition, 2004; 3d edition, 2021. (in Chinese)
(with Huang Z.Y.) Introduction to Innite Dimensional Stochastic Analysis
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
Introduction to Mathematical Finance
Science Press, Beijing, 2012. (in Chinese)
Introduction to Stochastic Finance
Springer & Science Press, Beijing, 2018.
Forme mesurable de la théorie des ensembles sousliniens,
applications à la théorie de la mesure, Scientia Sinica 18 (1975), no. 4, 444-463.
(with Meyer, P.A.) Génération d'une famille de tribus par un processus croissant
Séminaire de Probabilités, IX (1975), pp. 466-470. Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 465, Springer.
(with Yoeurp, Ch.) Représentation des martingales comme intégrales stochastiques des processus optionnels
Séminaire de Probabilités, X (1976), pp. 422-431. Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 511, Springer.
Stochastic integrals of measurable processes with respect to local martingales
Acta Math. Sinica 21 (1978), no. 1, 18-25.(in Chinese)
Remarques sur lintégrale stochastique de processus non bornés
Séminaire de Probabilités, XIV (1980), pp. 148-151, Lecture Notes in Math., 784, Springer.
Caractérisation dune classe densembles convexes de L^1 ou H^1
ibid, 220-222.
Remarques sur certaines classes de semimartingales et sur les intégrales stochastiques optionnelles
ibid, 223-226.
Sur une équation différentielle stochastique generale
ibid, 305-315.
Criteria for the uniform integrability of exponential martingales
Acta Math. Sinica, 23 (1980), no. 2, 293-300.
Some formulas for the local time of semimartingales
Chinese Ann. Math. 1 (1980), no. 3-4, 545-551.
Propriété de représentation prévisible pour les semimartingales spéciales
Sci. Sinica, 23 (1980), no. 7, 803-813.
A note on E. Lenglart's results
Acta Math. Sinica, 23 (1980), no. 4, 638-640.
Characterization of compensable processes of finite variation
Chinese Ann. Math., 2 (1981), no. 4, 445-449.
Uniform and L^r-integrability of exponential martingales
Chinese Ann. Math., 3 (1982), no. 3, 285-292.
A propos de lintérgrabilite uniforme des martingales exponentielles
Séminaire de Probabilités, XVI (1982), 338-347. Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 920, Springer.
Martingales Locales sur un Ouvert Droit Optionnel
Stochastics 8 (1982/83), no. 3, 161-180.
Une remarque sur les solutions faibles des équations différentielles stochastiques unidimensionnelles
Seminaire de Probabilites, XVII (1983), 78-80. Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 986, Springer.
Sur un theoreme de Kazamaki-Sekiguchi
ibid, 121-122.
(with He, S.W., Zheng, W.A.) Sur la convergence des semimartingales continues dans R^n et des martingales dans une variété
ibid, 179-184.
(with Emery, M., Stricker, C.) Valeurs Prises par les Martingales Locales Continues à un Instant Donne
Ann. Probab., 11 (1983), no. 3, 635-641.
On the extensions of measures
Dongbei-Shida-Xuebao [Journal of Northeast Nor- mal University, Natural Sciences] 1984, no. 1, 1-11. (in Chinese)
A formula for local times of semimartingales
Dongbei-Shuxue [Northeastern- Mathematical- Journal] 1 (1985), no. 2, 138-140.
A simple proof of El Karouis upcrossing theorem for semimartingales
Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition, 5 (1985), no. 2, 127-129.
On the commutability of essential infimum and conditional expectation operations
Kexue-Tongbao (Science Bulletin), 30 (1985), no. 8, 1013-1018.
A comparison theorem for semimartingales and its applications
Seminaire de Probabilit es, XX (1986), 349-351, Lecture Notes in Math., 1204, Springer.
(with Meyer, P.A.) A propos des distributions sur lespace de Wiener
Séminaire de Probabilités, XXI (1987), 8-26, Lecture Notes in Math., 1247, Springer.
Developpement des distributions suivant les chaos de Wiener et applications à l'analyse stochastique
ibid, 27-32.
A perturbation theorem for semigroups of linear operators
Séminaire de Probabilités, XXII (1988), 89-91, Lecture Notes in Math., 1321, Springer.
A formula for densities of transition functions
ibid, 92-100.
On the existence of diffusions with singular drift coefficient
Acta Math. Appl. Sinica (English Ser.), 4 (1988), no. 1, 23-29.
A change of variables formula for local times of semimartingales
Kexue-Tongbao (Science Bulletin), 33 (1988), 1755-1759.
(with Meyer, P.A..) Distributions sur l'espace de Wiener (suite),
daprès I. Kubo et Y. Yokoi, Séminaire de Probabilités, XXIII (1989), 382-392, Lecture Notes in Math., 1372, Springer.
Sur la transformée de Fourier de H. H. Kuo
ibid, 393-394.
Generalizations of Gross and Minlos theorems
ibid, 395-404.
On the existence of density of the law of a Wiener functional
Acta Math. Sinica, New-Series, 5 (1989), no. 2, 97-100.
On monotone class theorems
Dongbei-Shuxue [Northeastern Mathematical Jour- nal] 5 (1989), no. 1, 59-66. (in Chinese)
(with Zhang, T.S.) Dirichlet forms and symmetric diusions on a bounded domain in Rd
Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A 11 (1990), no. 5, 667-674.
(with Zhang, T.S.) Dirichlet forms and potential theory of symmetric Hunt processes
Science in China (Scientia Sinica), Series-A. 33 (1990), no. 7, 800-809.
A remark on conditional expectations
Chinese Sci. Bull., 35 (1990), no. 9, 719-722.
A review of studies in probability theory and stochastic analysis
Probability theory and its applications in China, 313-327, Contemp. Math., 118, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1991.
(with Meyer, P.A.) Les fonctions caractéristiques des distributions sur l'espace de Wiener
Séminaire de Probabilités, XXV (1991), 61-78, Lecture Notes in Math., 1485, Springer.
Notes on the Wiener semigroup and renormalization
ibid, 79-94.
Some remarks on the theory of stochastic integration
ibid, 95-107.
Constructing kernels via stochastic measures
Gaussian random elds (Nagoya, 1990), 396-405, Ser. Probab. Statist., 1, World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 1991.
An elementary proof of a theorem of Lee
Acta Math. Sci. (English Ed.) 11 (1991), no. 3, 356-360.
(with Kuo, H.-H., Potthoff, J.) Continuity of affine transformations of white noise test functionals and applications
Stochastic Process. Appl., 43 (1992), no. 1, 85-98.
(with Potthoff, J.) Some results about test and generalized functionals of white noise
In: Probability theory, eds- L.Y. Chen et al., Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 1992, 121-145.
A formula for continuous additive functionals of nonsymmetric Hunt processes and application to Feynman-Kac transition functions
Probability and statistics (Tian- jin, 1988/1989), 228-241, Nankai Ser. Pure Appl. Math. Theoret. Phys., World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 1992.
Inequalities for products of white noise functionals
In: Stochastic processes, Springer, New York, 1993.
Some recent developments in wite nois analysis
In: Probability and Statistics, eds- Badrikian et al., World Scienti%0Cc, 1993, 221-248.
Notes on Lévy Laplacian operator
Chinese Sci. Bull., 39 (1994), 6-11.
(with Liu, K.) Euler operator and homogeneous Hida distributions
Acta Math. Sinica (N.S.), 10 (1994), no. 4, 439-445.
From Feynman-Kac formula to Feynman integrals via analytic continuation
Stochastic Process. Appl., 54 (1994), no. 2, 215-232.
(with Carmona, R.A.) A new space of white noise distributions and applications to SPDEs
Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications (Ascona, 1993), 51-66, Progr. Probab., 36, Birkhauser, Basel, 1995.
Products and transforms of white-noise functionals (in general setting)
Appl. Math. Optim., 31 (1995), no. 2, 137-153.
(with Imkeller, P.) Multiple intersection local time of planar Brownian motion as a particular Hida distribution
J. Funct. Anal., 140 (1996), no. 1, 256-273.
(with Imkeller, P.) New distributions over Wiener and Euclidean spaces
Science in China, Ser. A. 39 (1996), 925-934.
An asymptotic evaluation of heat kernel for short time
Sem. Probab. XXX (1996), LN. in Math. 1626, Springer, 104-107.
A new look at the fundamental theorem of asset pricing
J. Korean Math. Soc. Vol. 35, No. 3 (1998), 659-673.
(with Kondratiev, Y.G., Streit, L.,Westerkamp, W.) Generalized functions in innite dimensional analysis
Hiroshima Mathematical Journal, 28(1998), 213-260.
(with C. Stricker) Some remarks on the optional decomposition theorem
Séminaire de Probab. XXXII (1998), LN in Math. 1686, Springer, 56-66.
(with S. L. Luo) Characterization of continuous operators on innite dimensional distribution spaces
In: Proceedings of Second International Workshop, Stoch. Anal. and Math. Physics, Edited by R. Rebolledo, World Scientic, 1998, 120-134.
(with S. L. Luo) On Wick product of general operators
Chinese Science Bulltin, Vol. 43, No. 15, 1252-1256.
(with S. L. Luo) Generalized Fourier- Mehler transforms on white noise functional spaces
Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol. 43, No. 16, 1321-1325.
(with S. L. Luo) A complex scaling approach to sequential Feynman integrals
Stoch. Processes and their Appl. 79 (1999), 287-300.
(with Cao, Z.) A comparison theorem for solutions of backward stochstic dierential equations
Advance in Mathematics, Vol. 28, No.1 (1999), 304-308.
(with Luo, S.L.) Gaussian kernel operators on white noise functional spaces
Science in China, 43(10), 2000, 1067-1074.
(with Zhang Q. and Zhang, S.G.) Growth optimal portfolio in a market driven by a jump-diffusion-like process or a Lévy process
Annals of Economics and Finance, 1(1), 2000, 101-116.
(with Li P. and Xia, J.M.) Martingale measure method for expected utility maximization in discrete time incomplete markets
Annals of Economics and Finance, 2(2), 2001, 445-465.
(with Li, P.) The growth optimal portfolio in discrete-time nancial markets
Advances in Mathematics, 2002, Vol.31, No.6, 537-542.
(with Xia, J.M.) Some remarks on arbitrage pricing theory
In: Recent Developments in Mathematical Finance, World Scienti%0Cc, 2002, 218-227.
(with Luo, S.L. and Zhang, Q.) Arbitrage pricing systems in a market driven by an It? process
In: Recent Developments in Mathematical Finance, World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 2002, 263-271.
(with Tang, Q.H.)A sharp inequality for the tail probabilities of sums of i.i.d. r.v.s with dominatedly varying tails
Science in China (Series A), 45(8), 2002, 1006-1011.
An overview on the martingale approach to option pricing
AWS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Volume 26, 2002, 121-134.
A numeraire-free and original probability based framework for nancial markets
Proceedings of the ICM 2002, Vol. III, 861-871.
(with Liu, W. and Yang, W. G.) A limit theorem for partial sums of random variables and its applications
Statistics and Probability Letters, 62(1), 2003, 79-86.
(with Ng, K., Tang, Q. and Yang, H.) Precise large deviations for the prospective- loss process
J. Appl. Prob. 40, 2003, 391-400.
(with Xia, J.M.) A new look at basic concepts in arbitrage pricing theory
Science in China (Series A), 46(6), 2003, 764-774.
(with Ng, K., Tang, Q. and Yang, H.) Precise large deviations for sums of random variables with consistently varying tails
J. Appl. Prob. 41, 2004, 93-107.
(with Jin, H. and Zhou, X.Y.) Continuous-Time Mean-Risk Portfolio Selection
Ann. I. H. Poincar - PR 41, 2005, 559-580.
(with Xia, J.M.) Markowitzs portfolio optimization in an incomplete market
Mathematical Finance, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2006, 203-216.
A simple proof of two generalized Borel-Cantelli lemmas
Seminaire de Probabilites, XXV (2006), 77-79, Lecture Notes in Math., 1874, Springer.
(with Song, Y.)The representations of two types of functionals on L(\Omega ,F) and L(\Omega ,F, P)
Science in China Series A-Mathematics 2006 Vol.49, No. 10 pp.1376- 1382.
(with Wang, Z.W.) A selective overview of applications of Choquet integrals
Advanced Lectures in Mathematics, Higher Educational Press and International Press, 2007, 484-514.
(with Xia, J.) Convex Duality for Optimal Investment
AMS/IP Studies in Ad- vanced Mathematics, 2008, Volume 42, 663-678.
(with Duan, J.) General matrix-valued inhomogeneous linear stochastic differential equations and applications
Statistics and Probability Letters 78 (2008) 2361-2365.
(with Zhou, X.)Markovitz Strategies Revised
Acta Mathematica Scientia 2009,29B(4), 817-828.
(with Song, Y.) An overview of representation theorems for static risk measures
Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 2009, Vol. 52, Issue 7, 1412 - 1422
(with Hu, Y.) Wick calculus for nonlinear Gaussian functionals
Acta Mathematica Applicatae Sinica, English Series, Vol. 25, No.3 (2009), 399-414.
(with Song, Y.) Risk measures with comonotonic subadditivity or convexity and respecting stochastic orders
In: Mathematics and Economics, 2009, Vol. 45, 459- 465.
A short presentation of Choquet integral, in Recent Development in Stochastic Dynamics and Stochastic Analysis
Interdisciplinary Mathematical Science, Vol.8, 2010, Eds: J. Duan et. al., Wold Scientic, 269-291.
(with S. L. Luo and Q. Zhang) A functional transformation approach to interest rate modeling
in Stochastic Processes, Finance and Control, edited by Cohen et al., World Scientic, pp. 303-316, 2012.
(with X. Cheng) A new look at the Lagrange method for continuous-time stochastic optimization
Science China Mathematics, Vol. 55 No. 11: 2247-2258, 2012.
(with X. Cui, D. Li)Classical mean-variance model revisited: pseudo eciency
Journal of the Operational Research Society (2015) 66, 1646-1655.
(with Z. Xu)A note on the Monge-Kantorovich problem in the plane
Communication on pure and applied analysis, 2015, 14(2), 517-525.
(with C. Bernard, X.D. He, and X.Y. Zhou)Optimal insurance design under rank-dependent expected utility
Mathematical Finance, 2015, 25(1), 154-186.

(Address) Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS , No.55, Zhong-guan-cun East Road Beijing 100190, China